
This fork is probably only necessary, if you want to install React-Navigation on non-Unix/Mac based systems, standalone and test the examples on devices/simulators. Usually the library is included via imports into main apps, which seems to cause no problems on other OS’s.

The branch ‘stevieyBranch’ will be frequently updated/merged.

Install (standalone):

  1. project root: npm i

  2. cd examples\NavigationPlayground

  3. npm i

  4. react-native run-android

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React Navigation CircleCI npm version

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Getting started (non-standalone)

  1. Create a new React Native App react-native init SimpleApp cd SimpleApp

  2. Install the latest version of react-navigation from npm yarn add react-navigation or npm install --save react-navigation

  3. Run the new app react-native run-android # or: react-native run-ios

Advanced guide

React Navigation API